
SoundOn是一款由台灣團隊打造,匯聚網絡上所有精彩的Podcast,並擁有自製內容團隊,定期推出平台專有Podcast,多元主題,保證有你所愛,隨時隨地都能無限暢聽,是陪伴 ...,SoundrownwasaprojectdreamtupbyafriendofmineatGooglewhowasexcitedabouttheideaofambientnoiseanditsabilitytohelppeoplefindtheirown ...,Soundrownwascreatedtohelpindividualslikeyou,relaxandfocuswhileyouworkonyourdailytasksorcreativeaspiratio...

SoundOn 聲浪- Podcast 隨時隨地聽內容4+

SoundOn 是一款由台灣團隊打造,匯聚網絡上所有精彩的Podcast,並擁有自製內容團隊,定期推出平台專有Podcast,多元主題,保證有你所愛,隨時隨地都能無限暢聽,是陪伴 ...


Soundrown was a project dreamt up by a friend of mine at Google who was excited about the idea of ambient noise and its ability to help people find their own ...


Soundrown was created to help individuals like you, relax and focus while you work on your daily tasks or creative aspirations. Brought to you by a small and ...


Improve your productivity in 3 minutes · Sleep Timer · Volume Control · Background mode. Work even you leave the app. CREATIVE WAY TO ...

Soundrown 使用環境音效來幫助你專注、放鬆,暫時忘卻 ...

Soundrown 的使用方法和 Coffitivity 大同小異,不過提供了更多的選擇,使用者可以從上方選單來選擇自己想要的環境音效,然後把瀏覽器開著,就會持續播放。 2013 05 17 ...


Play soundrown-com on SoundCloud and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.


SoundDrown is a simple, easy to use, noise generator, that generates white noise, pink noise, brown noise or binaural beats. Use SoundDrown to quickly drown ...

Soundrown 咖啡店背景音混搭音樂,營造集中精神的嚮往秘境

2013年4月30日 — Yahoo奇摩APP. 切換至APP版. 免費下載 · News. getApp. 廣告. Julia ... 除了咖啡店情境背景聲音可用,Soundrown 還有下雨聲、海浪拍打聲、噴泉 ...

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